SolarWinds MSP Pushing You to Mail Assure? Why MSPs Should Consider Alternatives


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SolarWinds MSP Pushing You to Mail Assure? Why MSPs Should Consider Alternatives

The security industry always has a constant ebb and flow of acquisitions and spinoffs, but in the case of SolarWinds MSP, many customers may soon be facing a crashing wave that might do harm to their organization’s inboxes, and looking for a Mail Assure alternative.

Two years after having acquired GFI’s email security portfolio, on top of SpamExperts in August 2017, SolarWinds MSP has effectively rebranded the product as SolarWinds Mail Assure, intended to augment SolarWinds MSP Mail and GFI MAX Mail/Mail Essentials.

Now, however, customers are being pushed from old product onto the newly branded Mail Assure. According to one reddit user on r/msp, this is a dangerous transition and leaves something to be desired for MSPs for a variety of reasons, including:

  • Spam digest reports only delivered once per day, at completely randomized times (read: possibility of going 40 hours without spam reports or knowing something important is stuck in quarantine).
  • Inability to whitelist anything other than send email. Server name, IP address and other elements can’t be whitelisted to allow other email servers to act on behalf of you or your customer.
  • Spam Experts rebranded as Mail Assure is not a comparable product, but rather a step backwards for most of the MSPs who have been served by products in SolarWinds MSP’s portfolio.
Alternative to Solarwinds MSP Mail Assure SolarWinds MSP pushing you to Mail Assure? From the reddit thread.

The fact that Mail Assure’s newest features and product are being delivered through a cursory blog post may go a long way to indicate that SolarWinds is trying to consolidate its offering while keeping the difficulty of that transition under wraps, at the cost of both the awareness and value delivered to their customers and partners.

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The MSP reddit user mentioned above also suggests that any organizations may only have 3 to 4 months to migrate to a Mail Assure alternative, with that transition becoming increasingly difficult as the deadline approaches. Vircom has already received multiple inquiries from MSPs looking to avoid SolarWinds MSP Mail Assure, and has been able to quickly onboard and deploy them with little standing in the way – an option more MSPs should consider as GFI MAX and MSP Mail product go End-of-Life and their deadline to migrate approaches.

If you’d like to know more about our approach to MSPs, and how we match up as an alternative to Mail Assure check out our resellers’ page or contact us to find out more about modusCloud.

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