In case you missed it, Chris Bowlby, a BBC Mobile News contributor, wrote a fun little article1 about the evolution of techno-speak and how the unplugged portion (Internet-wise) of the world’s population had no clue what the plugged-ins were talking about. In response, he created some great new anti-tech words and phrases. The subject has obviously struck a chord with people who responded with flurry of their own contributions.2
I was inspired to create this list (with a little help from some of my colleagues):
- Blogicule: Tech speak for ‘Alright already: here’s my 2-line contribution for this month, now leave me alone.’
- Blog-worthy: applies to any technical discussion carried on within earshot of our CEO
- Craptacular: a personal favorite; describes the loss of data due to a blue screen, power failure or any other craptitious event
- Delete-worthy: an interim state for former, or soon-to-be former, online friends
- Emaul: getting inundated with garbage messages
- iDrive: those clueless and/or spastic actions made by phone-addicted drivers; otherwise known as Mobile Menace
- iWalk: that slow, unpredictable movement made by people who think they can read, text and walk at the same time
- Laptrips: people who flirt with disaster by carrying laptops open by the screen, or by falling off a bike with said laptop (true story)
- Mail Enhancement Products: Outlook productivity tools
- Napp: taking a break from your favorite app
- Twirgin: a Twitter virgin
- Yell phone: what self-important people use in public when they feel it necessary to broadcast their conversations
C’mon folks, I know you have some favorite terms to add to this list
How about:
Mail Insecurity – Leaving your self exposed by not protecting your privacy.