Is Office 365 EOP Seaworthy Security? The Case for Tighter Email Security [White Paper]


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Is Office 365 EOP Seaworthy Security? The Case for Tighter Email Security [White Paper]

There is no question that Microsoft’s Office 365 is a boon to businesses large and small as they move their apps, and in some cases, their entire ‘ops’, to the cloud. With O365, Microsoft has not only developed one of its strongest product offerings in decades, but provided resounding proof that it can hold its generation-long grasp on the digital office. And while the market speaks in Microsoft’s favour, lingering concerns over the seaworthiness of its bundled Office 365 EOP (Exchange Online Protection), continue to plague them.

Is Office 365 EOP Good Enough?

While critical reviews and security vendor white papers would seem to paint a one-sided picture, one needn’t look further than Gartner to see the flies in the ointment as their own independent cloud security suite is failing to deliver on email security.

In an era of rampant cyber-criminality and untenably high costs associated with data breaches, security that is merely “good enough” simply won’t cut it. And yet, a large majority of Office 365 environment IT Managers pin their reputations as security administrators to Microsoft’s “best effort” email security.

What Business-Class Email Security Requires

At the heart of the issue with Office 365 Email Security and EOP is an apparent disconnect with the industry and its buyers, and this manifests in three ways that cast severe doubts on EOP’s status as a true business-class email security solution;

1) Performance
2) Features
3) Value

Combined, these pillars reveal the core benefit of any product, not just a security solution. But in the security space, and particularly for regulated and compliance bound industries, failings on the first point alone, “Performance”, would represent a show-stopper.

In this white paper, we’re taking a data-driven look at the Office 365 EOP suite to gauge its standalone viability versus the need for tightened security via third-party solutions.

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