Simplifying Security with modusCloud [White Paper]


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Simplifying Security with modusCloud [White Paper]

Simplifying security can be a challenge. With the rapid pace of change today, more and more email threats are popping up daily, whether they’re attempting to compromise accounts, commit fraud or extract a ransom, every organization is at substantial risk to fall victim to one of these risks as they spread.

This White Paper will explain what the biggest threats are to your organization, how attackers choose their targets, and what new tools like modusCloud’s Advanced Threat Protection can do to comprehensively address the issues you face, while other services like encryption and cloud archiving for email can add value and allow you to do more with less.

Simplifying security can be a challenge, but in the long term, this is your best bet to learn about how to best address your #1 threat vector – email – and avoid the pitfalls of email risk going forward.

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