URL Defense to Provide Security Across Your Network

URL Defense to Provide Security Across Your Network

URL Rewriting & Time-of-Click Checks

Cybercriminals often use deceptive tactics to bypass traditional security measures, including emails with seemingly harmeless URLs that turn malicious after delivery. URL rewriting ensures that all email links are scanned and rewritteb to route through a security gateway. At the time of click, the system dynamically checks the URL against real-time threat intelligence database, blocking access to dangerous sites before users can be compromised. This proactive approach neutralizes threats like drive-by downloads, credential phishing, and delayed URL activation tactics used by attackers.

Email Security Solutions for Malicious Links

How URL Defense Keeps You Secure
Malicious URLs are becoming an increasingly important cyber threat. Ransomware and phishing – two of the most concerning email threats today – both often leverage malicious links to either distribute malware or illegitimately obtain important credentials. The malcious links they use will often be clicked on, as they look legitimate to the undiscerning eye, but will actually refer to sites that can propagate the sorts of attacks to which organizations are most at risk.

Leading URL Defense Solution

Using Proofpoint’s URL Defense, we use predictive analytics to determine which URLs are the most likely to be malicious. Using historical statistical models along with Alexa rankings, IP reputation, email velocity, behavioral data on the sender and other criteria, malicious URLs get weeded out based on a score generated by these analyses.

Checks and Code Analysis

Malicious List Checks and Code Analysis Checks further compare incoming URLs with new and known malicious websites and campaigns, as well as suspicious behavior, obfuscated scripts, malicious code snippets and redirects to malicious sites. This is evermore important as more attackers use drive-by-downloads, credential phishing schemes and other link-based attacks.

Real-Time Analysis

Many of today’s attackers use links that become malicious only after an edge security service has already scanned the message and deemed it to be clean. To address this, Malicious URL Defense further offers Real-Time Dynamic Analysis, meaning the destination URL delivered to your user’s emails are analyzed and protected, regardless of device, time and location. This protects from the most insidious of threats, including links that attempt to evade detection by an initial scan, keeping your organization safe no matter what.


Protection Across Your Network

Using a Dynamic Malware Analysis tool, we block attachments that evade traditional security solutions. This protection extends across your entire corporate network, public networks and mobile devices. This is essential with a mobile and often dispersed workforce.


Protection Against Targeted Attacks

Proofpoint Essentials Targeted Attack Protection technology is driven by URL defense and more to block malicious websites from reaching your users with time-of-click scanning, helping stem the tide of attacks using spear-phishing techniques and other methods that compromise your high-authority users.


Solutions on a Cloud Scale

With cloud based Proofpoint Essentials email security, billions of messages are scanned daily, providing global visibility and early protection from emerging threats. Statistical modelling provides predictive analytics to counteract threats before they are known, and blocked from our network immediately.

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