URL Defense Decoder

Try it by simply paste an encoded URL below and press the Decode button to get the original URL.

What is URL Defense?

Vircom modusCloud and Proofpoint Essentials leverage the advanced power of Targeted Attack Protection (TAP), to provide small to mid-sized enterprises with URL Defense; the only service that effectively detects, catches and analyzes malicious URLs targeting this market.

The URL Defense feature takes an advanced approach to identifying suspicious email messages containing malicious URLs, observing user clicks as they happen.

Advanced Malware Detection

We use sophisticated techniques to evaluate advanced threats that are traditionally missed by signature-based and reputation-based solutions.

These techniques include:

  • Malicious List Check: Check for emerging campaigns and known new malicious websites.
  • Code Analysis Check: Check for suspicious behavior, obfuscated scripts, malicious code snippets, and redirects to other malicious sites.

Key Benefit: Cloud scale and elasticity for malware analysis with global and immediate benefit to all organizations for emerging campaigns, with proprietary technology to defeat malware through counter-evasion techniques.

Real-time Dynamic Analysis

We provide protection on any device, at any time, from any location, by following the email and checking for the URL destination’s safety in real-time.

A frequent technique used by hackers has been to drive recipients to click on a link directing them to a website which is initially harmless but turns malicious after a period of time.

  • Protects users and organizations on and off the corporate VPN across all devices including Mobile, Tablet and Laptops.
  • Architected to help comply with existing corporate security controls and acceptable use policies by redirecting the user’s browser to safe destinations rather than acting like a proxy service.

Key Benefit: Enables security controls to persist, even if users are off the corporate network and bypassing on-premise security controls.

URL Defense Decoder for Enhance Security

While we always recommend clicking the rewritten URL so that it can be scanned, and therefore providing the protection described above, there may be times where you want to know where the encoded URL is pointing. Use the below tool to see the decoded URL.

The URL Defense feature takes an advanced approach to identifying suspicious email messages containing malicious URLs, observing user clicks as they happen.

Vircom is a dynamic software company building networking and security solutions since 1994.

Our average customer stays with us for over 8 years, which is staggering in a competitive market. There’s a good reason for that – we build and partner to offer the highest quality security solutions and we are obsessive about giving customers the best service experience possible.

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